
Meriel Price

Meriel Price writes and performs contemporary music theatre, is a saxophonist, actress/performer and visual artist.

Her music theatre work, staring at the bin, had its world premiere and 30 performances at the Munich Biennale 2016, along with an accompanying exhibition. The Berlin Edition of staring at the bin was performed at the BAM! – Berlin Festival for Contemporary Music Theatre 2018.

She regularly performs in music theatre and theatre a.o. in the Berliner Ensemble, Munich Biennale, Radial System and Theater Basel. Her music theatre duo Aside explore the uncomfortable and unintended aspects of performance, challenging the expectations of the audience.

As a saxophonist she performs with ensembles such as the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the NDR Elbphilharmonic Orchestra, the Deutsche Symphonie Orchester, MDR Symphony Orchestra, Stargaze and Redux.

As a visual artist she specialises in projects that combine visual art and music such as “Wer ist der Mächtigste auf Erden?” which was performed in the Lucerne Festival and the book was published by Nordsüd. Her illustrations were also the basis for puppets for the Basel Marionettentheater. She created shadow puppets for the Schlossmediale, Switzerland and installations for festivals such as the Martinu Festtage, Basel, Tempelhof Theater Festival and the Blind Spot Film and Music Festival, Berlin.