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Together with the ensemble for contemporary music theater DieOrdnungDerDinge, director Franziska Seeberg immerses herself in the memory of a mystical place. The production traces a sunken island in the Danube in Romania and follows the traces of nostalgic stories and images that have become increasingly blurry over time. DieOrdnungDerDinge develops “Ada Kaleh” as a musical […]

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SOUND_TRACKS We’re the ensemble DieOrdnungDerDinge (TheOrderOfThings). Since 2010 we develop stage formats playfully straddling the fields of music and performance. And now we created Sound_Tracks, an interactive guide to this in-between genre, as our first digital project. We’d like to invite you to wander through a landscape of musical terms and acoustic phenomena with the […]

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Bestiarium – ein interaktiver Klangspaziergang für Menschen ab 5 Jahren, Haus der Kulturen der Welt – ab 7. December 2019

Bestiarium, ein interaktiver Klangspaziergang für Menschen ab 5 Jahren 7th – 15th December 2019, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Klänge schwirren vereinzelt durch Gänge und Räume des HKW, sonderbare Figuren huschen durch die Flure und eine alte Grammophonaufnahme bittet das Publikum um Hilfe: Ein einzigartiges Instrument aus vergangener Zeit, einst Herzstück einer bedeutenden Sammlung, ist […]

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Interview with Meriel Price

By Digital in Berlin · On 17. February 2019
Meriel Price writes contemporary music theatre, is an award winning saxophonist, actress/performer and visual artist. As a member of the ensemble DieOrdnungDerDinge she creates staged concert programmes that explore the space between concert and theater/performance in a visual, playful manner. They perform internationally in venues such as the Guggenheim, Bilbao, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Schauspielhaus Zurich, Grüner Salon (Volksbühne) Berlin.

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